ZBW MediaTalk says goodbye to Twitter (“X”)

Bye, goodbye, ciao, adiós – ZBW MediaTalk is turning its back on “X” (formerly Twitter) after more than twelve years of network activity. The team did not take the decision lightly. In all this time, we have built up a great network with partner institutions, we have benefited from the direct communication, the multitude of voices, the honest feedback, the transparency and the speed of information. We would like to expressly thank all our followers and followers for this healthy and beneficial community!

We are still represented on the social web

However, the direction that “X” has taken since its acquisition by Elon Musk last year is no longer compatible with our values. ZBW MediaTalk will therefore be shutting down the account for an indefinite period within the next few days. We will of course remain active on the social web. If you would like to keep following the content of the blog, you can do so on Facebook or Mastodon or, of course, subscribe to our free newsletter.

Thank you for your understanding!

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