Innovation Management

Open Science & Libraries 2025: 10 Tips for Conferences & Events
Which conference, unconference or other event could be worth attending in 2025? In the blog post you...

Libraries in the Shareconomy: How the Opportunities are Being Exploited
There is still room for improvement: Although the shareconomy is growing steadily and libraries are...

Trends 2024: Workplace Revolution Leveraging old and new Technologies
Which trends will shape library work in 2024? Generative AI, hybrid work and a skills shortage pose big...

Open Science & Libraries 2024: 10 Tips for Conferences & Events
Which conferences, symposia and other events could be worth a visit online or on site in 2024? We have...

Human-Centred AI: First Steps for the Enrichment of Library Work
What role will AI play for work in libraries in the future? Human-centred AI has the potential to...

Digital Trends 2023: Bridging the Gaps Between Home Office Autonomy and Collaboration, Mental Wellbeing and Skills Shortage
The pandemic has long-lasting effects on the way we work. Asynchronous work is here to stay. Recently...

Innovations in Libraries: Impressions of a Study Trip to the Netherlands
ZBW staff member Alena Behrens recently had the opportunity to get to know nine very different libraries...

Digital Long-term Archiving: Discovering Networks With the nestor Community Survey
nestor, the competence network for digital long-term archiving, recently conducted a survey among...

User Experience in Libraries: 35 Promising Starting Points for Entry and Exchange With Like-minded People
Libraries and modern infrastructure institutions have to constantly improve and develop their services...

AI in Academic Libraries, Part 3: Prerequisites and Conditions for Successful Use
What are the basic requirements for the successful and sustainable use of artificial intelligence at...