Open Science Guides: How Universities Promote Putting it Into Practice

Indiana University Bloomington

The newly launched webpage Open Scholarship @ IU Bloomington contains information divided in three categories, “Open Access”, “Open Data” and “Open Journals”. The information is presented clearly arranged to support the members of Indiana University Bloomington in putting open science principles into practice. The university library with its Scholarly Communication Department plays a vital role in this. Besides offering support for the setting up of research data management plans, there is also the possibility of arranging consulting appointments.

Arizona State University

“Open Access: Open Data/Open Science” is the corresponding page of the Arizona State University Library. Here, special emphasis is put on sharing knowledge on what open science is and why open science is important. Extensive information and links on open access, open data, open science and open source is offered. In contrast to most of the other examined webpages, citizen science plays an important role at the Arizona State University. Thus, recent tweets on #citizenscience are embedded and further information is linked. To find future citizen scientists, “5 Reasons to become a Citizen Scientist!” are included.

TU Delft

TU Delft has published open science guidelines on the topics of open access and research data management. These are visually appealing and clearly structured, following the research life cycle.

Subdivided in the three main subjects „Planning Research“, „Conducting Research“ and „Publishing Research“ information on each of the belonging working steps is presented.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The university library of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam also claims the goal to make it as simple as possible to contribute to open science. To reach this goal, information and consulting services on open access and research data services are offered.

University of Helsinki

The university of Helsinki describes its research as the most open in Finland. Besides offering information on openness as a university goal, and how it is integrated in researchers‘ everyday life, tangible guidelines and contact persons are listed. The importance of open science for the university is furthermore pointed out by a webpage that addresses the public: Think Open.

University of Tampere

On the open science webpages of the University of Tampere alongside comprehensive information on open access and research data, information on “Research impact and visibility” stands out. A “Book a Librarian” service completes this offer.

Lappeenranta University of Technology

Along the single steps of the research workflow the Lappeenranta University of Technology presents information on the tasks belonging to each step, and on useful tools that could suit those tasks, as well as helpful contact persons within the university. A comprehensive LibGuide – Guide to Open Science of the university library as well as well as information on training possibilities complete the information on open science.

On further pages, extensive information, for instance on research data management, is offered. A poster “Open Science and Research Process” can be downloaded.

Åbo Akademi University

The information and links on the open science page of Åbo Akademi University as well as the call for participation to university members in writing the open science policy of the university demonstrate, that the spirit of open science is strong here. Compared to other university pages on open science, the publication of material from open science seminars and the announcement of upcoming courses, seminars and webinars stand out as well.

More examples

Do you know more examples of comprehensive open science webpages of universities?

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Birgit Fingerle holds a diploma in economics and business administration and works at ZBW, among others, in the fields innovation management, open innovation, open science and currently in particular with the "Open Economics Guide". Portrait: Copyright Northerncards ©

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