Research Data

Research Data Act: Incremental Step in the Right Direction?
Will the federal Research Data Act (Forschungsdatengesetz, FDG) actually help to improve data access in...

Barcamp Open Science 2024: Happy Birthday!
This year, the Barcamp Open Science (#oscibar) celebrated its 10th anniversary. Open Science Success...

Anniversary of re3data: 10 Years of Active Campaigning for the Opening of Research Data and a Culture of Sharing
re3data, the largest directory for research data, is celebrating its tenth birthday. We interviewed two...

INCONECSS 2022 Conference: Artificial Intelligence, Open Access and Data Dominate the Discussions
INCONECSS is the international conference for librarians and information specialists in the economic...

Horror Research Data Management: 4 Best Practice Examples for Successful Gamifications
You think research data management is boring and annoying? Sometimes the purest horror? It doesn't have...

Research Data Management: We Need to Pick Up the Pace
Research data management is one of the major tasks of the future - for all those involved in the science...

Research Data Management Project bw2FDM: Best Practice for Consultations and Training Seminars
Best practice examples often provide guidance and suggestions for tackling tricky challenges in the...

INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...

ORION Project: Opening Up Research in Life Sciences and Biomedicine
How do you trigger institutional, cultural and behavioural changes in research organizations to foster...

Research Data Management: Over-Reliance on the Lifecycle Metaphor – and Alternatives
The metaphors we use have an impact on our perception of the world. Thus, how you think of and how you...