Research Data
Anniversary of re3data: 10 Years of Active Campaigning for the Opening of Research Data and a Culture of Sharing
re3data, the largest directory for research data, is celebrating its tenth birthday. We interviewed two...
INCONECSS 2022 Conference: Artificial Intelligence, Open Access and Data Dominate the Discussions
INCONECSS is the international conference for librarians and information specialists in the economic...
Horror Research Data Management: 4 Best Practice Examples for Successful Gamifications
You think research data management is boring and annoying? Sometimes the purest horror? It doesn't have...
Research Data Management: We Need to Pick Up the Pace
Research data management is one of the major tasks of the future - for all those involved in the science...
Research Data Management Project bw2FDM: Best Practice for Consultations and Training Seminars
Best practice examples often provide guidance and suggestions for tackling tricky challenges in the...
INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...
ORION Project: Opening Up Research in Life Sciences and Biomedicine
How do you trigger institutional, cultural and behavioural changes in research organizations to foster...
Research Data Management: Over-Reliance on the Lifecycle Metaphor – and Alternatives
The metaphors we use have an impact on our perception of the world. Thus, how you think of and how you...
Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from an IFLA Project on Data Curators
What are the roles, responsibilities and activities of information professionals who offer support in...
Research Data Management: These Portals and Self-Learning Offers Impart Knowledge
If you are a researcher or librarian and would like to learn more about research data management, you...
How do Universities Support Research Data Management?
How do universities support researchers in handling research data? We provide an insight into what...