Social Media in Libraries: Best Practice of the ETH Library in Zurich
The ETH Library is the largest public science and technology library in Switzerland and the central...
Innovations in Libraries: Impressions of a Study Trip to the Netherlands
ZBW staff member Alena Behrens recently had the opportunity to get to know nine very different libraries...
Open Science & Libraries 2023: 25 Tips for Conferences, Festivals & Co.
Which conferences and events could be worth an (online) visit in 2023? We have put together a selection...
Back to the Future: Amazing Discoveries in a Futurology Card Index from the 1980s
Card indexes are yesterday’s news and belong in the waste-paper bin? Not everyone agrees: The prospect...
EconStor Survey 2022: Repository Registers Satisfied Users, but More Marketing Efforts Needed
More than 13 years ago, the ZBW launched its repository EconStor. In 2022, the team conducted a survey...
Self-organised network: does Mastodon have what it takes to become the “scholarly-owned social network”?
A “scholarly-owned social network” as an alternative to the major commercial players sounds like the...
Digital Long-term Archiving: Discovering Networks With the nestor Community Survey
nestor, the competence network for digital long-term archiving, recently conducted a survey among...
Social Media in Libraries: Best Practice From the Austrian National Library
Tens of thousands of followers on Facebook, impressive community engagement on Instagram and a...
Libraries on Twitch: Ideas for Starting on the Streaming Platform
The live streaming platform Twitch has its origins in streaming video games and e-sports. Lately, it has...
Social Media in Libraries: Best Practice and Tips for Successful Profiles From the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
For many years, it has been good practice for many libraries to be present in social media and to...
Anniversary of re3data: 10 Years of Active Campaigning for the Opening of Research Data and a Culture of Sharing
re3data, the largest directory for research data, is celebrating its tenth birthday. We interviewed two...