How do Universities Support Research Data Management?

Tutorials are intended to support researchers in research data management.
We have looked at the services, materials, guidelines, self-study courses and the like that universities offer their researchers. In this blog post, we present a selection of universities in Germany, Great Britain and the US that provide particularly extensive research data options.

Competence Centre for Research Data at the University of Heidelberg

The Competence Centre for Research Data at the University of Heidelberg offers services for archiving and publishing research data. The services support the various stages of the research process: project planning and data management, data processing in the project as well as archiving and publication.

Service Center Research Data Dresden

The Service Center Research Data is the result of a joint effort between the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) and the Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) of the TU Dresden, the law faculty’s Institute of Intellectual Property, Competition and Media Law (IGEWeM) and the officers for IT security and data protection. The contact point provides information on the basics of research data management, helpful links and comprehensive advice on managing research data as well as services and tools for its users.

University Library Stuttgart

Research data management support for scientists at the University of Stuttgart is also provided by the University Library Stuttgart. It is subdivided into the tasks “Plan”, “Save” and “Share or Publish”, and you will find instructions for writing a data management plan, finding suitable data repositories and more.

University Library of the University of Kaiserslautern

The University Library of the University of Kaiserslautern offers its researchers information in the following categories: searching for research data, publishing research data as well as funding applications and research data management.

Leibniz University Hannover

Basic information on research data management, consulting, a course programme and extensive materials and downloads are available from Leibniz University Hannover. Worksheets on the challenges of research data management (and more) are also included.

University of Münster Research Data Management Service Point

At the University of Münster Research Data Management Service Point, you will find information on guidelines and instructions for researchers as well as helpful links and references for further reading.

Pennsylvania State University Libraries

The Research Data Management Services of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries also provide comprehensive information and work materials for their researchers.

University of Leicester

The University of Leicester offers its researchers informative materials. These included a step-by-step guide called “Data Planning & Management – What you need to do” and a checklist titled “What would you do if you lost your research data tomorrow?”.

Research Data Service at the University of Bristol

A very comprehensive range of information and self-learning materials is available from the Research Data Service at the University of Bristol; it is part of the library. It includes information on writing a research data management plan, storing and using research data, sharing research data, managing research software and how to handle sensitive data. Interactive Bootcamp tutorials are also available. In addition to the opening tutorial called “Introduction to research data”, these interactive Bootcamp tutorials cover topics such as “Commercialising research data” and “Sensitive research data”.

University of Portsmouth Library

Compiled on a single website, the University of Portsmouth Library provides a wealth of information for researchers on “Research data: life cycle and archiving”.

University of York Library

“What is research data management” is the title of a guide that is offered by the University of York Library. Good research data management is clearly explained in three steps: before the project, during the project and at the end of the project. A “101 RDM Tutorial” is also available exclusively for university members.

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Birgit Fingerle holds a diploma in economics and business administration and works at ZBW, among others, in the fields innovation management, open innovation, open science and currently in particular with the "Open Economics Guide". Portrait: Copyright Northerncards ©

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  • Danke für den Überblick! Möglicherweise sind die Unis aus der Sicht der Forschenden gar nicht die primäre Anlaufstelle hinsichtlich FDM – auch wenn sie sich gerne in dieser Rolle sehen -, sondern eher Forschungsinstitute, Datenzentren und fachlich strukturierte Repositorien?!

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