Research Data Management

Research Data Management: Toolbox for Successful Institutional Services
What do we do with the data, some researchers wonder. Central university institutions want to provide...

Open Educational Resources: How the EconBiz Academic Career Kit Trains Open Science Skills
How could libraries help researchers in training open science and other research skills? The ZBW offers...

FAIR Data: Many Paths Lead to the EOSC
Many initiatives are dedicated to promoting open data. While RDA has been established for some time now,...

New Open Science Reports: How to put EOSC and FAIR Into Practice
How could the European Open Science Cloud and FAIR be prompted into reality? What challenges have to be...

Kick-Start for the German GO FAIR Community: Second Workshop Reveals Potential for Synergies
Using the motto ‘GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE’, Germany’s second workshop for the GO FAIR initiative...

Research Data Management: Over-Reliance on the Lifecycle Metaphor – and Alternatives
The metaphors we use have an impact on our perception of the world. Thus, how you think of and how you...

Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from an IFLA Project on Data Curators
What are the roles, responsibilities and activities of information professionals who offer support in...

Research Data Management: These Portals and Self-Learning Offers Impart Knowledge
If you are a researcher or librarian and would like to learn more about research data management, you...

How do Universities Support Research Data Management?
How do universities support researchers in handling research data? We provide an insight into what...

COAR Annual Meeting 2018: Repositories as Central Infrastructure of Open Scholarly Communication
From 14 - 17 May 2018 the 7th Annual Meeting of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) was...