Open Science
Open Science Award Winners: Insights and Findings From a Pioneering Practice
What motivates Open Science pioneers? In his doctoral project, science researcher Ronny Röwert uncovers...
Open Science Conference 2023: Old Hurdles and new Practical Successes for the Anniversary
At the tenth anniversary of the Open Science Conference, several contributions impressively demonstrated...
Open Science Symposium: Open Practices and Transparency in Business Studies and Economics
The symposium "Open Science – Research Transparency in Business Studies and Economics" offered inspiring...
Open Science Meet Up: Creating the Future Together
The main task of modern PR departments is to build and maintain relationships between their organization...
ChatGPT & Co.: When the Search Slot turns into an AI Chatbox
Generative language models and AI-supported searches are currently enjoying a rapid triumph. More and...
10 Years of OERcamp: Community Get-together on Digital and Open Educational Resources
The first OERcamp in Germany was held in 2012. The aim was to offer a discussion forum and practical...
Anniversary of re3data: 10 Years of Active Campaigning for the Opening of Research Data and a Culture of Sharing
re3data, the largest directory for research data, is celebrating its tenth birthday. We interviewed two...
Open Science in Economics: Selected Findings From the ZBW Awareness Analysis 2022
There is generally great enthusiasm for Open Science and Open Practices in library circles. But what is...
Open Letter: Open Science Should Provide Support, not Impose Sanctions
Following ZBW's Open Science Retreat on the impact of global crises on the Open Science movement in June...
Open Access: Is It Fostering Epistemic Injustice?
A romantic notion of Open Access is that once all knowledge is free, the injustice in the world caused...
Open Science & Libraries 2022: 22 Tips for Conferences, Barcamps & Co. – Part 2
Which conferences and events might be worth a (online) visit in the 2nd half of 2022? We have put...